How cosy it is sometimes to be within the canons, all the standards, academic rules and traditions: you seem to float serenely in a pack of just as enthusiastic grains of sand, bowing before Eternity. This is especially true of the academic canons of art and, in particular, the academic music. It is pleasant and windless to stand behind the backs of the great ones, preserving and protecting their authority, fit into trends and styles. Nice and even profitable sometimes. But in this article let’s turn to the other side of this coin: kooks standing alone in the wind, strange types, «inventing bicycles», irritants of «professionals» and fans of serene academic. In short, brave men who are not afraid to speak their word. Experimenters. Troublemakers. Poets, rebels, dreamers.

To your attention, the album of the Italian musician – Alessandro Tabacchi. Alessandro defines his style as punclassical. By the way, the History of Culture has so far been familiar with Alessandro on his artwork and poems. But the brave and experimenters have no limits. So, the album “Rachmaninoff was a punk rocker” was recorded in december 2019, and published by label ILCOSTRUTTORE. It has 23 piano solo pieces. Enjoy the two pieces from the album and leave your feedback to author in comments!


I was born in Alessandria (Italy in 1976). I have studied composition and musical form with my grandfather, Antonio Brainovich (1915-2001), conductor and composer.

Horror Vacui

I try to unite the tradition of classical modern music (Debussy, Skrjabin, Prokofiev, Shostakovich – the last i love the most) with a free and some way radical approach.

I try to say, in music, something original and new. It Is not simplex but It Is worth fighting for.

Alessandro Tabacchi

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