Dinner of Arthur Rubinstein, Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya in French Deauville. The action begins before the dessert with whipped cream. You’ll see how Rubinstein teaches Vishnevskaya to make smoke out of cigars – they talk in Russian. The verses of Mephistopheles, which sing a glorious trinity, where each – primus inter pares, first among equals – is also understood without translation. Here is a funny game of words, lubricated by Mstislav Leopoldovich, «Le Sacre du Printemps» and «Le Sucre du Printemps» – it is nothing other than «Spring sacred» Stravinsky in the French version of the name. And the second is what Rostropovich imagined during the abundant sugar spraying of Rubinstein ice cream: «Sugar spring».

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