Me too
One night at a party in a rich house where Rossini was invited, a lady was asked to sing. She had a long history, but eventually she agreed to sing the cavatina of Rosina from the «Barber of Seville».

Before starting, she turned to Rossini:
-If you knew how scared I am!
-Me too, – said Rossini.

Erotic instrument
One of Rostropovich’s friends decided to mock him:

-Glory! You play a very erotic instrument – you squeeze it between your legs, you bring a bow back and forth…

Rostropovich interrupted the conversation:
-The most erotic instrument is the clarinet.

What’s your name, for God’s sake?
The distinguished scientist and composer Borodin was a very scattered man. He once went abroad. While checking passports at the border post, the official asked what his wife’s name was. Borodin was at the time thinking of his own and did not immediately understand the question. The official looked at him with suspicion:
-Do you know your wife’s name?
At that moment his wife Catherine Sergeyevna entered the room. Borodin rushed to her:

-Katia! For God’s sake, what’s your name?

Wagner and translator
At rehearsal in London, Wagner was very unhappy with the trumpets and shouted:
-Tell those donkeys if they don’t play nice, I’ll throw them out!
The musician listened attentively to Wagner and translated:
-Gentlemen! The Maestro is well aware of the difficulties his music causes you. He asks you to do everything in your power and not to worry.

Wagner and Aubert
When Richard Wagner arrived in Paris, he met with French composer François Aubert. During the conversation, Aubert remarked that it took him thirty years to realize that he had no musical talent. Wagner smiled:
-And then, of course, you gave up your music lessons.
Ober objected:
-Come on! I was too famous for that!

Puccini’s leg
Italian composer Giacomo Puccini once broke his leg and went to hospital. When his friends visited him there, he surprised them by having fun meeting them and pointing at his foot, he said:
-I’m so happy, my friends! I’ve already begun to build a monument!

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