Medtner’s style is remarkably cohesive and has experienced little evolution throughout his career. His music has a particular character in a romantic vein and he has retained the harmonic practices of Europe and Russia of the 19th century. The most innovative feature of his music is his use of complex and poly- rhythms. The predominant character of Medtner’s music could be referred to as “poetics;” it often evokes a specific feeling or idea. The piano became his principal voice to express those ideas, as with Chopin, he included it in all his compositions. His output includes 14 piano sonatas and various character pieces in genres varying in length and scope, three concertos, 108 songs, a piano quintet, and various violin works including three sonatas.

Sviatoslav Richter said in a pre-performance interview in 1981 that the Sonata Reminiscenza reminded him works of artist Borisov-Musatov and spirit of prose of Anton Chekhov.

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