Ashkenazy, Brendel, Rubinstein, Richter, Wang, Barenboim, Perahia... Each of them performed Beethoven's 18th Sonata. To improve the musical memory of amateurs and professionals studying this work, we present to you an easy quiz on Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 18 in Eb major “The Hunt.”
Listen to short excerpts and recognise the each master's interpretation.


In the first movement Beethoven's progressive harmonic language is apparent from the very first chord of the piece - ii 6/5 (F minor 7 in 1st inversion), the stability of a tonic chord in root position delayed until bar 7. The expressive harmonic colour, coupled with the changes of tempi in the introduction, creates an evocative opening, reminiscent of the improvisatory style of C. P. E. Bach's piano sonatas. This opening cell is repeated extensively throughout the movement - at the start of the development, in the recapitulation, and also during the coda (transposed into the subdominant, and then at its original pitch. The codetta explores this opening chord in a minor variation (with a C flat, implying ii7 of Eb minor), even appearing in bar 36 in the exact spacing (albeit with different spelling) of the 'Tristan chord', written by Richard Wagner some 55 years later.

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